Monday, February 21, 2005

Thank You...

We would like to thank everyone who has helped make this past week an amazing trip. Especially our family - Paul Campbell, Tony Pellegrino, all the Maynard Brothers, Hugh Pailley and Doug Hansen. Our friends from Rock 2 ReBuild - Jeff Morell, Don Dworkin, and Brian Kaplan. Thanks to the local artists and resource folks who have jumped on board, and to Dan Goodspeed from and Andy Gallo from CRUMBS for their advice and encouragement.

We launched the website just about a week ago and the response has been great. We're not sure what's around the next corner, but we're sure glad to be along for the ride. It just goes to show anyone can make a difference so....

Get involved and help support local music in the Capital Region

Jim & Meg

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Think Global Start Local Benefit Concert for Tsunami Relief & The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY

TROY, NY (February 20, 2005) – The Matthew Shapiro Think Global Start Local Benefit Concert is being designed in hopes of becoming the largest independent fundraising effort of its kind in New York’s Capitol Region; aimed at benefiting the relief efforts for the Tsunami disaster in Southeast Asia, while also shedding light on some of the problems existing here at home. The event will benefit both Doctors of the World and the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. The event will be held at the Capitol Region’s premiere live music venue, Revolution Hall in Troy, on Saturday February 26th.

The event billed as “An Evening with Jerkwater Ruckus and Friends” and will feature an all-star roster of some of the leading artists to emerge from upstate New York’s jam rock scene. The defunct Albany band Jerkwater Ruckus, will not only play a set of their original material but will also play a set backing Moon Boot Lover front man Peter Prince. Former God Street Wine leader Lo Faber will also be appearing, performing his first live set in over nine months. Local acts Brian Kaplan Band and School Bus Yellow will also share the bill, along with a special acoustic set from Dana Monteith (formerly of the Ominous Seapods), and members of Iowa-80. Conehead Buddha will also make a special appearance at the benefit, so the evening promises to be an exciting one.

The genesis for the event came from Albany music promoter and music journalist Matthew Shapiro. With his thirtieth birthday approaching, Shapiro wanted to use the occasion to reunite Jerkwater Ruckus, the band he managed for two and a half years. The original idea was to get the Ruckus together for an intimate gathering with friends. However, after watching the coverage of the Tsunami disaster, Shapiro became saddened with feelings of helplessness, considering as he says “there was little I could give myself financially. So I started thinking, what can I do?”Shapiro figured that since the band had agreed to play together, that they could use this as a catalyst to accomplish a great deal of good, and raise both money and awareness. He decided to parlay his experience as a co-organizer of Albany Project Spring Clean (an annual community beautification project, which has over 200 volunteers, and is supported by over 40 local businesses), to mark the occasion by putting together a large-scale fundraising event.

The theme of the benefit is “Think Global, Start Local” which will include a food drive to benefit Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. “Watching a tragedy as massive as what is happening in Southeast Asia, you can not help but be moved, but it is easy to forget the tragedies in your own back yard,” says Shapiro. Attendees are asked to bring non-perishable food to donate. The event will also give attendees various ways to give to the relief efforts. Along with the admission price, there will be a raffle featuring donations from both local and national businesses. Additionally, Revolution Hall will be donating a portion of the bar profits to the relief effort.

As Shapiro says, “Like me, most of the attendees would not have been able to donate much individually. However, by coming together as a community, we as a whole can contribute a great deal. The only way we can maximize our effort is if the whole community comes together, which means more than just the musicians and concert goers. We need the help of private businesses and community leaders alike to donate and help get the word out. We have set lofty goals for this event, and the only way for these goals to be achieved is through the power of community. We look forward to you joining us in helping ease these tragedies occurring both home and aboard.”

The Matthew Shapiro Think Global Start Local Benefit Concert, benefiting the Tsunami Relief effort will take place at Revolution Hall on Saturday February 26th starting at 8pm.

NYCAP Music was fortunate enough to be involved with this benefit. Be sure to view our photos.